Top 2 yoga for belly fat lose

Top 2 yoga for belly fat lose

Yoga for belly fat lose : A protruding belly not only looks bad but also carries the risk of many diseases. There are many people whose body remains lean but the stomach sticks out. This hanging belly is home to many diseases. Which needs to be done from within. If the stomach is protruding outwards, it is necessary to strengthen the abdominal muscles to bring it in. By doing this Yogasan daily you can see the difference in one to two months.

Yoga for belly fat loss

Excessive obesity causes not only physical but also mental problems. If it is not controlled in time, many diseases also start affecting the self-confidence of the person. In such a situation, it is important to make your sedentary lifestyle active along with your diet. Let’s find out about the Yoga exercises that will help you tone your sagging stomach and achieve your dream of a slim waist within a few days.


best yoga for belly fat

While doing Padahastasana, one should stand straight and try to touch the feet with your fingers while bending from the hips. After staying in this position for some time, relax the body. Bending downwards during Padahastasana helps reduce belly fat due to the pressure on the abdomen.

Trikonasana best yoga for belly fat

Trikonasana for belly fat

To perform Trikonasana yoga for belly fat, slowly bring straight arms down towards straight legs, spreading both your legs and opening your arms outward. While doing this, bend at the waist and look down. Now move the opposite hand upwards keeping the straight palm on the ground and repeat the same process on the other side. In this state, keep breathing as deeply as possible. Trikonasana not only helps in weight loss, but also helps in reducing belly and waist fat. Doing this asana improves blood circulation in the body and also burns thigh fat.

Read more : Best Yoga Pose for Weight loss

Naukasana for lose belly fat

Naukasana yoga for belly fat Sailing is very beneficial for reducing belly fat. Doing this reduces belly fat and also balances the body. Insulin resistance is fixed by boating with this. Due to which the problem of diabetes is removed.


Bhujangasana stretches the body and relieves back and shoulder pain. Along with this, it also helps in reducing belly fat. If your shoulders are hunched, doing Bhujangasana every day can help tone your shoulders.

Read more : Quick reduce belly fat without exercise


Dhanurasana is a bit difficult to do but can be done easily after a few days of practice. Doing this strengthens the abdominal muscles. Also bones are flexible. Which relieves back pain.


Kumbhakasana, also called plank pose. Plank pose is very important for reducing belly fat. By doing this, it helps to burn fat from the entire body. Also hands become shapely and strong.


Ustrasana stretches the abdominal muscles. Due to which the contracted muscles expand and the stomach becomes smaller. If you work sitting for long periods of time, Ustrasana will reduce the pain. This opens the chest and shoulders.

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 Yoga for belly fat : If you want to lose belly fat then doing Kapalbhati is beneficial. However, heart patients should exhale slowly while doing Kapalbhati. So that there is no more pressure on the heart. This pranayama helps in reducing belly fat very quickly.

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